Sunday, July 9, 2017

What's Happening: Week of July 10, 2017

I suspect everybody in the US is now back from the Independence Day break, and we're all getting ready to roll into a new week. So am I.

First, I have some new music in the pipeline. I submitted a new corporate/motivational track to AudioJungle. I should hear back from them in the next week or so. Either they'll accept it or reject it, in which case I'll submit it to Pond5. AudioJungle is very picky about what material they'll like and what they won't. I'm trying to build my portfolio there, but I've learned to take rejection in stride. Besides, I've had more than one track that AudioJungle rejected that I then submitted with minor or no changes to Pond5 and had multiple sales. One person's trash, as they say.

I produced and submitted a couple of things to Pond5, too. One of the new submissions is an intro for podcasters and other media projects in a house music style. It comes in full (:30), short (:10), logo/outro (~:04) and looped (:15) versions. The other submission is a short (just under :30) "film noir" style cue with muted trumpet, piano and lots of reverb. I hope to hear some news on those as early as tomorrow, although at this time of the year P5 often has folks on holiday and curation times can slow way down. So we'll see.

My single Quest for Transformation is now live at five different outlets as of this writing: Amazon, Google Play, Groove Music, iTunes and Spotify. You can get more info on all that from this post on the blog or at the main web site. Speaking of which . . .

I've added my latest promo picture on the main home page, replacing the old logo that used to serve as a banner there. The banner is still in place on my About and Samples pages, but I'm thinking it might be time for an overhaul of the site. Drop me a line if you have some ideas.

As always, I'm very appreciative of everyone who takes time to stop by and find out what's going on. Please check out the slightly revamped official web page  There are links to the different places where you can download and stream "Quest," including an embedded Spotify player for Quest for Transformation. Have a great week, and do peek in from time to time as you never know when I'll get some new crazy idea and tell the world.

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