Thursday, April 6, 2017

Yes Lyric Tweet-A-Thon

To celebrate the induction of Yes, my favorite band, into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tomorrow (April 7), I'll be tweeting bits and pieces of some of my favorite Yes lyrics from across their decades-long canon. I'll be doing this over the next two days in fits and starts. I do NOT promise to include every album. As with most fans, I like some Yes albums better than others. (I know - "blasphemy!" - get over it.) My tweets will feature bits of lyrics that have special personal meaning to me.

If you want to follow on my feed, I'll be using the hashtags #Yes and #RockHall2017. Obviously given the 140 character limit, this may prove to be a challenge. I'm up for it nevertheless, at least until the publishers threaten legal action.

I also don't guarantee that what I tweet will be precisely correct, since I'm working from memory and don't plan to take a lot or time scouring YouTube or any of the lyrics sites to jog it. Id est quod est.

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