Sunday, March 18, 2018

What's Happening: Week of March 19, 2018

This week's update falls into the ICYMI category.

First, my new collection of six second bumper music is now online. If you do YouTube bumper ads or need music with timing of exactly six seconds, this is a collection you need to check out. Here's a sample:

You can check out the whole collection here.

Speaking of my six second bumper collection, I have a new one in the pipeline. This one is a light classical bumper, to go with the rock, pop, electronic, corporate, funk, country and family-friendly bumpers. Once it's available, I'll put the news out on my Twitter feed.

Beyond those tidbits, I really don't have a lot going on just now. I'm working on a piece of music, but don't really have a title, and frankly I'm not sure what I would do with it if and when I finish it. Sometimes, those turn out very well, so who knows? Check back here from time to time to see if it goes anyplace.

I did receive an interesting contact from a guy who asked to use my video "The Man in the Arena" as part of a motivational piece for a local chapter of FIRST in Rhode Island. FIRST is a great program that seeks to get kids excited about STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines. I was happy to help.

So, enough rambling. It's time to get another week started. I hope yours is a terrific one, and am grateful that you stopped by to read. Peace.

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