Sunday, November 26, 2017

What's Happening: Week of November 27, 2017

I hope all here in the States enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I did no shopping at all. (Black Friday? Forget it! But I will get around to it later.) In my part of the country, most folks are happy that Ohio State and the Cincinnati Bengals both won their big (American) football rivalry games. Everyone's attention now turns to the remainder of the Christmas season, beginning with "Cyber Monday."

My personal attention just now is on my new single "Snow Globe." It seems to be picking up interest on Spotify, with listeners checking it out from the States, Ireland and Ecuador. If you happen to be one of those people, thanks so much for listening. I hope you'll add to your festive holiday playlist this year. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do.

If you're on Apple Music, you can stream it there as well.

You can also license "Snow Globe" royalty-free for commercial use through Pond5.

Meanwhile, my thoughts are turning to 2018. I had set myself a fairly ambitious release schedule for the last months of 2017, but it looks like I'm not going to meet that. There are several things going through my mind here. First, the streaming world does not seem to take kindly to artists who release albums a year or two apart. Especially if you're trying to build an audience as I am, the strategy seems to be to release singles at frequent intervals.

If you've stopped by to read here before, you may know that I've had this discussion with myself (and you) before.

However, I still like the album concept (or at least an EP version), so maybe I'll try a mixed strategy next year. I'm thinking I might release the ambient/new age project I've had in mind as an EP but my other stuff (uptempo and downtempo) as singles. You'll know first if you read it here. (By the way, don't be surprised if I don't release a new single before the end of this year.)

Other things in the winds for 2018 include the possibility that I might get some of my work in front of television production companies next year. The downside of this is that I'll have to register about 450-odd titles with ASCAP before the end of this year. It's not difficult, just tedious.

And there are some other potential things in the works to widen my exposure in social media, but nothing is set in stone there yet. Check back for updates.

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