I got a little busy last week, and didn't make the progress I wanted on a number of fronts, but I do have a few interesting tidbits to share, so onward!
I still haven't finished the cover for my holiday single "Snow Globe," but I do have a photo in mind to feature, one snapped (as almost all of them are) by my awesome wife Danita. I'm not really happy with the background color, and I'm having trouble deciding on a font for the text. Other than that, everything is terrific!
I do think I want to release the single on November 17. Stay tuned.
On my Spotify profile I'm now featuring the classic Weather Report album Heavy Weather. This jazz fusion tour-de-force turned 40 years old in 2017, and represents the band at the height of its accessibility and commercial appeal. The now-standard "Birdland," "Teen Town" and the beautiful ballad "A Remark You Made," among others, sound as fresh today as they did in 1977.
On the stock music front, this week I'm featuring another item from my podcast intros and loops collection. This one is House Music Podcast Intro (Full), and is available to license royalty-free from Pond5. I have nothing new in the pipeline right now, but that can change very quickly if I get an inspiration.
And that's what's happening for now. Thanks for reading. I hope you have a great week coming up.
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