Sunday, May 20, 2018

What's Happening: Week of May 21, 2018

Nothing new to report.

That might be an exaggeration, but I am in sort of a lull. If you kept track of my Twitter feed, you saw that several items I had in the pipeline are now online. I'm planning to work on some new ideas this week, but sometimes those pan out and sometimes they don't.

I was more active than usual on the Pond5 forums this week, and commented on a question from a fellow composer wondering how many tracks were needed to get sales. I was curious, so I checked my own portfolio. I found that I'm up to over 600 separate items. The bad news, though is that just ten of those make up more than one-third of my total downloads.

It got me to thinking: how much quantity is too much?

A lot of that output dates from times when my production skills were very raw. I've thought about trying to remix some of those older tracks, but am not sure if it would be worth my time.

In the meantime, my featured stock music item this week is Dark Tense Interlude. When I wrote this I was thinking of "dark secrets, tense waiting and other chilling scenes." I hope you'll check it out.

Sorry to be brief, but my dear Windows wants to run an update that it says is going to take awhile. That's also why this post and my other regular updates are appearing relatively early. Now, I'm going to go find something else to do.

Until next time, be well.

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