Monday, February 22, 2016

Just Another Ironic Monday

I was checking out my Twitter feed earlier today, when I ran across a tweet from one of my local television news outlets teasing a story they plan to feature later today on the Zika virus. Apparently, a number of people are concerned about traveling to areas where Zika is most prevalent.

Now, Zika is no laughing matter. Medical researchers have linked the virus to heart-breaking birth defects, and it's very important to understand the risks and take appropriate precautions. The tease, though, featured an image with "Destination: FEAR" in big bold letters. It really underscored for me the extent to which our media now rely on fear to get viewers to watch. To be fair to them, it works, and a calmer, more thoughtful approach would probably not. I suppose then it's our own fault for falling for it over and over.

Then, I turned to my business, which was to tweet this week's featured stock music track at That track is "Dark Portents," (see earlier post below) which I realized would probably be an awesome soundtrack for fear-mongering reportage. Hey, it's a dirty thankless job but somebody's gotta do it. I promise next week's featured track will be more upbeat.

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