Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thoughts on Moving

If you're here to check out my latest music, I'm still on hiatus, and this post is decidedly off-topic.

As part of the moving process, I've been downsizing, getting rid of lots of junk. I also got rid of most of my books. I had a LOT of books. I probably still have two boxes full of books, most of it music-related. I also kept a lot of books on psychology and religion, and odd authors like Orwell and Hesse, plus an abridged version of Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. I got rid of most of my CDs, figuring I'll eventually pick up a subscription to Pandora.

I didn't want to wind up pitching out a lot of food, so the last week or so before the move I only went to the grocery at great need. This created a dilemma when I ran out of mustard before I ran out of cold cuts or bread. In my mind's eye I imagined myself eating bologna and salsa! (I know, EEE-YEW!) Fortunately, someone took the last of the bologna off my hands and I made other arrangements for lunch.

I am now moved in to the new place, and am working on setting up a work space for all of my various efforts, including music. This is complicated by the fact that I am now living with other people for the first time in a long time, so I'm still making the adjustment to accommodating them. I work best when it's quiet, but at the same time don't want to cramp anyone's style. We'll get it worked out.

If you're moving anytime soon, here's a piece of advice: don't skimp on packing tape. Buy good quality tape. I bought a couple of rolls of cheap stuff, and it seems like every other time I taped a box shut, the tape snapped back and stuck to the roll. Then, when I tried to pick it off the roll, it disintegrated into little tiny pieces that I had to struggle with to get back to a single piece. Spend the extra few dollars and get good packing tape.

In a side note, yesterday was actually my best day ever for sales. I sold four different clips, mostly the quiet and sad parts of my portfolio, including three first time sales. Thanks to the buyer, and may that music serve your project well.

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