Thursday, February 26, 2015

Apple Buys Camel Audio

I guess now we know why Camel Audio mysteriously closed up shop. Apple Insider reports they've been bought by Apple. Speculation I've seen is they're going to fold it into Logic Pro or Garageband, or maybe both. Although I don't plan to buy any Apple products as a result of this, I'm hopeful someone will get the benefit of the awesome Alchemy product line. I intend to continue using and enjoying my Alchemy sound libraries.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Checking Out iZotope Iris 2

I took the plunge the other day and bought iZotope's Iris 2 virtual synth (a 30% discount was quite helpful in that regard). Actually, synthesizer may be a misleading term. Iris 2 functions more like a sound design engine than a traditional synth. It also comes with an incredible 11 gig of samples you can use to create completely new sounds. I've already used one of the factory bass patches in a production music track I created over the weekend. Plus, I was quickly able to create a really eerie sounding drone that I then used on another track I'll be posting to Soundcloud later this week.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Making Music With Native Instruments Strummed Acoustic - Session Guitarist

I'd been wishing for some solution to allow me to incorporate realistic strummed acoustic guitar sound into my production music tracks. It looks like Native Instruments' new Strummed Acoustic - Session Guitarist product for Kontakt 5 is just the thing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Samples Now at

If you've stopped by this blog before, you may have noted links to sample pages on the top menu. Today, I set up a sample page at the main web site, and took down the sample pages from this blog. In case  you're looking for specific styles, I'm leaving the tag cloud in the right column so you can check out posts featuring tracks in those styles. Thanks for stopping by and supporting my work, and please check the main site often for updates and links to this blog.

Sunday, February 1, 2015 Now Mobile-Friendly!

I've been working on an upgrade to my main web site, and am happy to report that it's now up and running! Developed with Bootstrap, the site is much more capable of handling different device sizes than the old one was, so please check it out on your phone or tablet, as well as your PC or Mac. Don't miss the featured track for this week, "Spring Into Action!"